时间:2023-09-19 16:59:40 来源:本站 人气:
9月18日,一家名为Wiz Research的云安全初创公司发布研究报告,指出微软的人工智能(AI)研究团队在GitHub上的大量私人数据缓存被意外泄露。这一事件由一个配置错误的SAS令牌引发,暴露了38TB的其他内部数据,其中包含微软两名员工的个人电脑磁盘备份。
Wiz的研究人员表示,开放数据共享是人工智能培训的关键组成部分,但如果共享不当,共享大量数据会使公司面临更大的风险。Wiz首席技术官兼联合创始人Ami Luttwak说,Wiz在6月份与微软分享了这些数据,微软迅速采取行动删除了暴露的数据。他补充说,这起事件“本来可能会更糟”。
2020 年 7 月 20 日- SAS 令牌首次提交到 GitHub;到期日定为 2021 年 10 月 5 日
2021 年 10 月 6 日- SAS 令牌到期日更新为 2051 年 10 月 6 日
2023 年 6 月 22 日- Wiz Research 发现问题并向微软报告
2023 年 6 月 24 日- 微软宣布 SAS 令牌失效
2023 年 7 月 7 日- SAS 令牌在 GitHub 上被替换
2023 年 8 月 16 日- 微软完成对潜在影响的内部调查
2023 年 9 月 18 日- Wiz Research 公开披露此事
As part of a recent Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) report from Wizio, Microsoft investigated and remediated an incident involving aMicrosoft employee who shared a URL for a blob store in a public Git-u repository while contributing to open-source Al learning models. This URinc uded an overy-ermisive Shared Access Sionature (SAs) toxen for an interna storae account, Securty researchers at Wiz were then able to usethis token to access information in the storage account, Data exposed in this storage account included backups of two former emplovees' workstatiorDrofles and internal Microsoft Teams meages of these two employees with their coleaques, No customer data was exposed, and no othernternal services were put at risk because of this issue. No customer action is required in response to this issue. We are sharing the learningsand best practices below to inform our customers and help them avoid similar incidents in the future.
SAS tokens provide a mechanism to restrict access and allow certain clients to connect to specified Azure Storage resources. ln this case, a researcherat Microsoft inadvertently incuded this SAS token in a blob store URL while contrbuting to open-source Al learing models and provided the URl ina public GitHub repository, There was no security issue or vulnerability within Azure Storage or the SAS token feature. like other secrets, SAS tokensshould be created and managed properly, Additionally we are making ongoing improvements to further harden the SAS token feature and continueto evaluate the service to bolster our secure-by-default posture.
After identifying the exposure, Wiz reported the issue to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC on June 22nd 2023. Once notified. MSRCworked with the relevant research and engineering teams to revoke the SAS token and prevent allexternal access to the storage account, mitigatingthe isue on June 24 2023. Additional investigation then took place to understand any potential impact to our customers and/or business continuityOur investiaation concluded that there was no risk to customers as a result of this exposure